February 28, 2011

Pink and Brown

I've crafted a few of these boxes to give as baby gifts, an "updated" version to the baby basket. Here is my newest creation...sweet pink and brown. The completed box will be coming soon but here's a sneak peak.

~ Happy Crafting!

February 14, 2011

My Valentine

For those who know the little prince, they know that he loves music. So here are his preschool class Valentine's.

Valentine iPod's

Made from Sweetheart candies

Happy Valentine's Day

February 13, 2011

A Mad Hatter Tea Party

My son, the little prince, fell in love with a doll sized tea set that my sister has. Whenever we'd go to visit, he would ask that she pour him some "tea" (flavored drinking water). So I began thinking about throwing him a tea party... little blue style. After a few months (because it sometimes takes that long to make things happen) the marriage of two wonderful concepts turned into A Mad Hatter Valentine's Day Tea Party.

The setting for the party

The table is set

Each place setting

The centerpieces

The clock is set to "tea time"

The delicious dessert tables

Enjoying all of the goodies!

The decorated Mad Hatter Hat

My inspiration and the love of my life!  Two great Mad Hatters  ~  Happy Valentine's Day!

What a fun party to throw.....making memories for the little prince!