Since beginning my blog, I've known that in order to grab the attention of my readers I needed to take great pictures of my work. So, I took my camera and began taking pictures of my crafts only to be less than thrilled with the results. Because I am admittedly naive, I thought all I needed to do was to point and shoot {how could I be so silly?} but found that I was coming no where near the quality photos that I desired.
Recently I've been saying {more to myself than anyone else} that I need to learn to use my camera AND take better pictures. Well, I'm now on the road to making that happen and I'm more than excited!
I signed up to take the SITS Girls' Pinterest Challenge - a challenge that not only helps bloggers learn how to use Pinterest to drive traffic to their blog but how to take great pics that people want to pin and who in turn might become a loyal follower of your blog.
I'm so grateful that this challenge exists and that I was able to be a part of it. The tips I've learned through this challenge will continue to help me make my blog all that I want it to be and more!
Here is what I've learned so far.
Day 1: The Rule of Thirds
Day 2: The Rule of Composition {and how to get rid of tilted horizons}
Day 3 & 4: Natural Lighting and Outdoor Photography {capturing those 'catchlights'}
Day 5: Self Portrait
I'm sure you expected a picture, right? Well, my intentions were good and honorable {snicker}. I even told my sister that I needed/wanted her help with this one...well, all I can say is this task fell by the wayside. Really, it's because I chickened out of doing it {pictures of me aren't my favorite}, but I've made a promise to at least give this a the future {smile}.
Day 6: Pictures telling a story
I just love this pic and wanted to share. Pretty, right?
Using Pinterest, re-sizing pictures, and watermarking photos are also included in this challenge. I certainly feel more knowledgeable and a bit more daring {my camera scared me...sshhh, don't tell anyone} when it comes to showing off my crafts. Now back to practicing, that is if I can get my son to stay still long enough for me to get a good pic!