June 5, 2013

The Doc Is In!

My best customer has once again asked that I stretch my crafting ability to help with her daughter's 5th birthday party.  This year's theme -- Doc McStuffins.  Now let me tell ya, I love this show personally but my little guy will only watch it when there is "nothing else good on" {the words that come out of that boy...lol}.  So I was excited to help make her little girls' dreams come true with some very cute centerpieces.

The Doc Is In...let's party!

After searching the internet, she found centerpieces that she loved but didn't love the price.  She immediately emailed me the picture and asked if I could do something similar.  Because she is totally okay with my creative license when doing work for her {which I love!},  I was able to use the photo as a starting point to create something that was functional and that she would be proud to display.

I started off the project with the intent to try and get these centerpieces as close to the original inspiration as possible, so when I saw these great buckets in the dollar bin section of Target I was excited.  They were a great size but the wrong color -- nothing a can of spray paint wouldn't fix.

$1 bucket from Target

Sprayed with white primer

Spray painted hot pink

Now for the images.  My customer wanted the centerpieces to look the same from both the front and the back.  She was able to find free images online that we used so the next step was to create each one in mirror image -- the most important step for making them back-to-back.  I don't have Photoshop and wasn't sure how we were going to do this but she was determined and found a way to do this herself {girl power!}.  I took the images to the UPS store to have them enlarged.  The plan was to make the images fill an 8 1/2 x 11 sheet of paper but that proved to be more difficult than either I or the young man at the store thought it would be.  In the end, I had to settle on them being as big as he could make them {which wasn't very large} and that meant I would have to rethink how these centerpieces would be done.

Enlarged image - cut out

Traced on foam core board then cut out with a straight razor.
Each image was then glued front/back to the board.

Since the images were smaller than expected, I needed to find a smaller container.  Target to the rescue again!  After saying a little prayer, I walked in and what did I see in the dollar bin section but a stack of these beautiful white containers.  It was like I heard a choir of angels singing 'hallelujah'...LOL!

$1 container from Target

Using my Silhouette machine, I cut the shapes needed to decorate the smaller container.

Hot pink oval glued to each side

Number five

Adding polka dots

Fifteen minutes and front/back is complete

Sides completed -- total time approx. one hour

When I placed the containers together one on top of the other, I didn't like how 'unfinished' the bottom container looked.  So I decided to make something simple to go around the bottom of each one.

Cut strips of tissue paper in hot pink and purple.  Using hot pink ribbon
I glued the strips on in an overlapping fashion to create a "skirt" for
the bottom of each larger container.

Measured 1 1/2 inches from the bottom and glued the ribbon around the bottom.

At this point in the process I was under the gun.  I was working on three different projects simultaneously and I didn't have the time to document the way I wanted to -- most of this project {and at least one of the others} was done very late at night.

So let me tell you how I wrapped it all up. Using glue {and a three pound weight}, I attached the small white container to the larger one.  I cut off about an inch of the tissue paper and made small slits in each section to give it a "fringe" look at the bottom.  I cut out the name on my Silhouette and glued them on the larger containers {both front and back}.  I attached each image to the base using thin purple craft sticks and inserted them into a cut piece of styrofoam that I purchased from the dollar store.  To finish them off, I took the same hot pink ribbon and glued it over top of the fringed piece at the bottom and filled each container with tissue paper and VOILA...sweet and charming centerpieces!



Doc McStuffins
NOTE: Apologies for the poor individual photos.  I was in a hurry to deliver these and realized I hadn't taken pics.  I took several and these were the best.  Must remember to look at the settings on my camera before taking pics...oy vey!

I love helping others make memories.  Happy 5th Birthday Miss Corrine!!!

Where we like to party!


  1. You've got some awesome crafting skills there! Love how they turned out. Don't know about Doc McStuffin myself-- I guess it came out after my 10-year-old would like it, and my little one is just too little!

    A Tossed Salad Life

  2. Thank you Emily! Yes, Doc is the new sensation - especially for little girls!

  3. So adorable! I love what you came up with.

  4. Thanks so much KC! It certainly wasn't what I had in mind but my crafting always surprises me...LOL! Thanks for stopping by!

  5. can you ask your customer where she got the free images of Doc Mcstuffins and friends?

  6. What type of material you used for the dots, number 5, and the name?

  7. Hi and thanks for stopping by! I used cardstock and used my Silhouette machine to cut them out. Hope this answers your question.

  8. Can you make more of these to sell to me?

  9. How did you get the doc mcstuffins cut out to stand up

  10. Hello wondering if you would be able to ship out? I'm in California and I love these so much just would want to add Halle the hippo and chili the snowman. TIA

  11. Hey all! Life has been way crazy so I haven't been able to answer. Please accept my apologies! I got the images to stand up because the photos were glued on foam core board and a thin stick carefully stuck in the opening at the bottom and attached to styrofoam in the bottom of the top container. Hope this was helpful.

    Amanda, thank you so much for your interest in these but I'm not able to recreate them in a way that would hold up to travel 3000 miles (I'm on the east coast). My customer lives about 5 minutes from me so transportation for these were pretty simple. Due to the thin sticks that I used for each, I doubt they would be okay when they arrived as well as the boxes. I'm sorry I couldn't help you.

    1. Is there any way to just have them decorated but in pieces and I can put them together? I'm sorry I'm a super busy momma and trying to find the perfect centerpieces is hard .
