August 13, 2013

Guest Post - Life After Laundry

Guess who has her first guest blog post?  Yup, you guessed's me!  And let me just say that I am more than excited about this opportunity.  Growing as a blogger feels really good!

I met Brenna from Life After Laundry at a blogging conference this past May.  She is quite an amazing crafter/DIYer and seriously, I'm totally jealous of her sewing ability {she has offered to teach me how to sew, but all know how I feel about my arch nemesis - LOL!}.

With a new linky party, a craft challenge this month and oh yeah...her family to take care of, she is a very busy lady.  Since her schedule is so full, I jumped at the chance to do something I've honestly been afraid to first guest post.

With school about to start, I resurrected my Back to School post to get everyone prepped and ready for a new school year.  Be sure to hop on over and check it out and be sure to let me know what you think of my very first Guest Appearance.  {smile}

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