June 30, 2012

Happy 5th Birthday Little Prince!

My little guy is FIVE!!! Wow, where DID the time go??? He's such a cool kid and I enjoy making his birthday as special as I possibly can. This year I decided that he wouldn't have the large birthday party that he's had in the past but instead something a little more intimate. He was only told that we were inviting his buddy Jack and his family over for cake, which I think bothered him on some level because he kept asking why we weren't having a party in our backyard {oh sweetie, there will be something in the backyard I'm just not telling you about it (snicker)}.

A few months back he asked if he could go camping. Seriously kid, have you met me?? I only like nature from my window, not being out in it! But the request gave me an idea. Why not offer him a simple "camping" experience for his birthday. So I set out to put together an awesome camping adventure and I'm happy to say I succeeded.

Are you wondering about the shark cake and how that ties into a 'camping' theme? He decided that he just didn't want cupcakes for his birthday this year {I knew it would come to an end sooner or later (smile)} and asked me to make him a shark cake. Once again, have you met me? I know that I craft but I have absolutely no baking skills outside of the "unwanted cupcakes" I usually make, so my good friend has a neighbor who is amazing in a kitchen with a cake pan and she graciously fit me into her busy schedule to create this for my little guy -- she did an awesome job.

Happy Birthday our sweet prince ~ Mommy and Daddy love you!!

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