I call myself a 'jack of all trades, master of none' because I am willing to try all kinds of crafting ideas...sometimes successfully, sometimes not so much but half the fun is trying, right? Exactly!
My blogging journey started after throwing a Mad Hatter Tea Party for my son. I had such an awesome time putting together that soiree for the little prince and his friends that I wanted to share it with the world. Since then I've tried my hand at many different projects such as the Message Board I made for my sister's birthday, the sweet Little Boy Chevron stepping stool I gave as a baby gift, my beautiful Chic Drink Stand or even my most popular craft to date, the Pirate Cupcake Stand I made for a friend's son. Boy do I love being creative!

Why 'Little Blue's Room' you ask? Good question. "Blue" is my son, a nickname given to him by my sister when I was pregnant {it was almost his middle name...almost} and because being a mom is one of the greatest gifts God has ever given me, I wanted my blog to reflect that. Sweet and sappy I know, but true...every word of it!
Brag time! Yes that's right, I have someone who thinks I'm the "cats meow" when it comes to crafting and I wanted to share with you what she has to say about my creative work.
"As a stay-at-home mom of a very high-demanding girly girl, I find myself dreaming-up things for all of her occasions. In my mind these things would be so perfect if I could find a place that sells them. Then I stumbled on Etsy.com. The gates of heaven opened until I started seeing the prices listed for all these one-of-a-kind items. I previously mentioned that I’m a stay-at-home mom, right? I can’t afford these prices NOT to mention they expect me to pay for shipping. Now I am in a pickle! I thought of it, I found it and I can’t afford it.
I knew Angela as a preschool teacher via our mommy group. I had NO clue that she had this God given talent of crafting. She helped a mutual friend prepare for her daughter’s 5th birthday party. During the preparation for the party, the friend led me to her site. I attended the party and was able to see her work in person. Saying I was impressed is an understatement. At the party, I walked up to her and asked for her number. The party was in November and I told her, I will need your help with Valentines’ for my daughter’s class. She replied, sure I would love to do Valentines for Miss. Corrine. I called and the rest is history.
How does the magic happen? She normally says, can you find a picture and email it to me? I do just that and she replies humbly that it may not be just like that BUT I’ll try. I will say that it is NEVER just like the picture but BETTER!!! Better because she puts love in it. Like she knows my little girl and puts those little touches which make her masterpiece better than the original. I have told her that she isn't allowed to move, that I need her to remain local until my little one is over this “pomp and circumstance” stage of her life. She reassures me that she is staying put. " ~ Thasha

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